Facts about Phytophthora Dieback (‘Dieback’)

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Phytophthora Dieback (‘Dieback’) is a soil borne pathogen with a range of hosts in the southwest of Western Australia. These predominantly come from the Proteaceae, Myrtaceae, Xanthorrhoeaceae and Ericaceae and Fabaceae plant families. While some plant species are resistant, others are susceptible to the disease caused by the pathogen resulting in chlorosis, dieback and usually death. The Dieback pathogen is widespread in areas with greater than 800 mm of annual rainfall, less extensive in areas that receive between 600–800 mm and mainly restricted to water-gaining sites in areas that receive 400–600 mm. The pathogen does not occur in areas that receive less than 400 mm of annual rainfall. In Western Australia Dieback is a significant environmental issue for projects between Geraldton in the Midwest and Esperance on the South Coast and is widespread in the Southwest region.

Reference: Phytophthora Dieback Mapping and Management - Terratree Environmental - Terratree

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